Dating Tips, Advice and Insights
How to Spot a Keeper
There is no fool proof way to tell if a relationship will work or not. But there are some signs that may lead you to
Oh No He’s A Mamas Boy
Its very rare to meet a guy who would open a door for you or pull out a chair for you at dinner. He seems
Prove That You Love Me
They say that long lasting relationships are built with trust, respect and love. But with the many cases of cheating and break ups all over
My Best Friend is Dating my Ex
When a relationship is over, both parties are allowed to move on and date other people. But still problems arise when you find out that
Moving On Easily
Many say its hard to get over a bad break up. When you’ve gotten so used to being with someone and doing almost everything together,
Love and Family Ties
Once you commit and choose to spend a lifetime with someone, you also choose to accept and love everything about that person. All the good
Fight Triggers
It is normal for couples to fight sometimes. Misunderstandings can be healthy. it helps you to discover your differences and be able to get to
Dating Mistakes Young People Do
We all know the saying “Practice makes perfect.” Well this goes the same way with the dating game. If you are young and new to
The Types of Male Kissers
A kiss is one of the most important things you will share with the one you love. It is something you both should enjoy. Is